Well, obviously, this is a new Blog and that means I'm new to Blogging, but I'm not new to web sites. I have run a personal site for around seven years. It was a gamer's site and was fairly successful, in my opinion. But, times change and people grow older and I have a new game...
I got married recently and am a Stepdad. Wham. There was no test, no classes, no papers due...just say 'I do' and there you go. My new wife and I had lived together for over a year so we were all used to the family. But, still, there is a change. The wedding really effected my stepdaughter, B (of course, not her real name). I didn't really think it would have much of an effect, since we had been a family for over a year but officially being her stepdad has certainly earned me some brownie points in her seven year old mind.
Anyway, I thought it would be a good idea to put some of my thoughts on 'paper' and since I love hearing myself type, I decided to give a Blog a chance.
What to expect? Not much :) Well, honestly, it would be great if my Blog and writing made you laugh and made you think.
I thought it would be cool to also write about what I see in the 'normal' world but the main focus of this Blog will be my
experience as a brand new Stepdad.
Thanks for reading and please send me an email or message (are message boards allowed here??)