Memo to self: Self, remember to breathe.
Sheesh, with work (28 days straight til I stayed home yesterday), stepdaughter, writing (a little but after putting off that short story for four years, it is getting written!), planning for Baby Thigpen and FOOTBALL!!! I haven't had time to do anything else, such as go downtown and take some pictures or go out wirth Jenn and some friends.
I have a feeling in the next couple of months, time will be even more scarce. Jenn's due at the end of December, work is cranking up, etc etc.
Anyway, just wanted to vent. Oh, one little favor, if I may. I know where some of you guys are coming from, and those of you looking for a picture of some over hyped bad singers, but what about you other readers? There are a lot of you. How about you guys leaving me a comment and telling me where you are from and age and anything else you might want to leave? That would be cool of you. (I can take some constructive criticism, if you want to leave some) Thanks!