Uhhh, not to jinx my wife and me or anything, but she's having contractions every six minutes (give or take a few seconds) for the last two hours or so!!!!
So, you may not get much more of a Blog from me until I grace my Blog with a picture of a toothless and more than likely drooling picture of the coolest, smartest, cutest and all around best newborn baby boy in the known univers...heck, toss in the unknown universe, too.
See you guys later!!
PS. When I get back, I better have 30 messages left wishing my wife, me, B and Baby Thigpen a happy everything!!! So that means that all ten of you that read my Blog (and thank you for reading, I really appreciate it) will have to get two of your friends to come to my site and sign a comment. Think of it as a mission, a mission to make a new Dad happy. Yeah, that's it. Ok, I'm seriously too excited, you guys have a nice evening!!!