Oh boy....Baby T is doing well at day care (but that's a blog for another time). I wanted to let you guys know about a moment that happened a night or two ago.
Baby T was cranky. Baby T was really cranky. Baby T is seventeen months old and doesn't always get his way, so he throws the cutest temper tantrum, which consists of him screeching, then falling onto his padded butt and then laying on the floor. He does this until he realizes that he still isn't going to get his way and he stands up and usually wanders off.
We have started trying to get him to realize he is heading down a bad path, which is hard to do when the baby in quesiton is 17 months old and doesn't comprehend much about punishment.
So, the last few days before whisking him off to timeout, we have started to count to three. Probably only two or three times. So, Baby T was trying to remove everything from the dining room table, which was not really what we wanted him to do.
I said 'Ryan, stop. One...'
He answered, 'too, tree'
And continued grabbing stuff off the table.
He is seventeen months old. Help.